
For Olga and Garrett on their Wedding Day - June 27 2015

("Chastushki" by Vika, Tala & Mila)

Here we gathered in Deerfield, everything looks splendid.
Now Olga cannot sing: "I am independ-a-nt"

You can search around the world: Rome and Chichenitza,
But won't find a better bride: Olga - is Tsaritsa!

Fancy clothes, bracelets, earrings, colors - blue and scarlet,
Olga looks her glowing best... sitting next to Garrett!

Pie charts, graphs and calculator - day and night she used it,
But her heart, it yearned to sing - she escaped to Music!

Singing, writing and arranging - Olga's talented indeed,
As her fans, we're really thankful: Garrett saved her from Wall Street!

Her desire for performance, passion for creating songs
Garrett matches her so perfect - jealous even Rolling Stones!

We're so glad to meet you Garrett, even for an hour,
But I'm sure we must have seen you... under Dartmouth tower!

Garrett is a man of many qualities outstanding:
Surfing, skiing, running fast, drumming and programming

He was moving closer, closer, she was following her heart
When she fell in love with Garrett - they could not survive apart!

For romantic honeymoon they will fly to Iceland,
If they'll have a chance to sing - Bjork will go silent!!

Parachuting, helicopters: heights is not her phobia.
Soaring with Aurora lights - is her next Utopia!

Olga, Garrett we are happy that you make a great duet.
Having children, as desired, you can turn it to quartet,
you can turn into quintet, 
you can turn into sixtet,
you can turn into octet!

All us wish that you'll be famous, happy, healthy, simply sweet.
Be inspired, energetic, make each other's lives complete!!


Мы желаем счастья вам! Счастья в зтом мире большом,
Как солнце по утрам пусть оно заходит в дом.
Мы желаем счастья вам, и оно должно быть таким:
Когда ты счастлив сам, счастьем поделись с другим!

Vika, Tala & Mila